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RudderStack to Courier


Go to RudderStack destination and search for Courier.

Connect one or more sources

Add Courier API Key

Event trigger

You can trigger events either via the sources you connected or by directly calling rudderstack endpoints.

Courier destination supports group, identify and track events, which appear on Courier Rudderstack integration page inside Courier Studio UI.

Check this to learn more on sending events to your RudderStack instance.

Once events start flowing in from RudderStack into Courier, those appear on RudderStack integration page on Courier Studio.

Supported events


RudderStack identify event when sent to Courier creates or updates the user profile. It uses userId as the user identifier and the traits get mapped to user profile attributes.


RudderStack track event when sent to Courier can trigger an automation or supply inline automations payload. The properties used inside the payload will be used for mapping it to Courier.


RudderStack group event when sent to Courier can create an account or trigger an automation. The groupId will be used as Account ID and userId (if not exists, anonymousId) will be used as User Identifier.

Event mapping

Received RudderStack Events can be mapped to an existing automation, or a new automation can be initialized where the event is set as a trigger.

Click on the plus (+) icon under link automations and map the event to an existing automation template, or create a new automation template.

Properties should be scoped by courier.automation object, so for instance if you want to map userId to refs, your request to rudderstack would look like below (note courier.automation object):

Rudderstack Courier Automation Property Example
"event": "user-checkout",
"type": "track",
"properties": {
"courier": {
"automation": {
"data": {
"userId": "my-user"

Mapped automation would look like below:

Learn more about Courier Automations >