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Create an auth token

Returns a new access token.


Method: POST

Body Parameters

Permissions to apply to the token.
A string describing the time span the token is valid for. Can also be a number instead of a string (in seconds). See for examples.


status: 200 OK

The issued token.

status: 400 Bad Request

A message describing the error that occurred.
[invalid_request_error] The type of error that occurred.

Request Example

curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '
"scope": "user_id:user_id_you_want_to_create_scope_for read:messages",
"expires_in": "2 days"

Responses Example

"token": "5e2b2615.05efbb3acab9172f88dd3f6f"
"message": "Error Message",
"type": "invalid_request_error"


An auth token can be used as a bearer token in place of a normal API Key for the following endpoints:

  • GET /brands (must have read:brands scope).
  • PUT | DELETE /brands (must have write:brands scope).
  • GET /brands/:id (must have read:brands or read:brands:<id> for single brand access).
  • PUT | DELETE /brands/:id (must have write:brands or write:brands:<id> for single brand access).
  • PUT | PATCH | DELETE /users/:user_id/tokens/:token (must have write:user-tokens scope).
  • GET /users/:user_id/tokens/:token (must have read:user-tokens scope).
  • PUT | PATCH | DELETE /users/:user_id/preferences/:topic_id (must have write:preferences scope).
  • GET /users/:user_id/preferences (must have read:preferences scope).
  • GET /users/:user_id/preferences/:topic_id (must have read:preferences scope).
  • GraphQL (POST) /client/q Required permissions depend on query / mutation.
    • messages Requires read:messages scope.


  • Endpoints that are tied to a user_id require the user_id to be listed in the scope field (i.e user_id:123)

Available Scopes

  • user_id:<user-id> - Gives the token access to a given user. Multiple can be listed. Ex user_id:pigeon user_id:bluebird. User ID scopes must be used in conjunction with other scopes to specify which resources of the user the token can access.
  • read:messages - Gives the token access to read messages. Must be used in conjunction with one or more user_ids.
  • read:user-tokens - Gives the token access to read user tokens. Must be used in conjunction with one or more user_id scopes.
  • write:user-tokens - Gives the token access to write user tokens. Must be used in conjunction with one or more user_id scopes.
  • read:brands[:<brand_id>] Give the token access to read brands, optionally restricted to a specific brand_id. Examples read:brands, read:brands:my_brand.
  • write:brands[:<brand_id>] Give the token access to read brands, optionally restricted to a specific brand_id. Examples write:brands, write:brands:my_brand.
  • inbox:read:messages Give the token access to read inbox messages.
  • inbox:write:events Give the token access to write inbox events, such as mark message as read.
  • read:preferences Give the token access to read user preferences.
  • write:preferences Give the token access to write user preferences.