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Courier is a notification service that centralizes all of your templates and messaging channels in one place which increases visibility and reduces engineering time.
Motivational quotes were quite the rage back in the day when MMS & email forwarding were popular. I remember my parents forwarding me at the start of every morning. Fast forward to today, if you are lucky, you are part of some forward group on your messaging app of choice (Whatsapp, Telegram, etc.).
Inspired by the same idea, today we are going to build a service that sends our friends and family an AI generated motivational quote-of-the-day. Rather than hardcoding a list of motivational quotes, we are going to use a machine learning model to generate a quote on demand, so that we never run out of quotes to share!
OpenAI GPT-2 model was proposed in Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners by Alec Radford, Jeffrey Wu, Rewon Child, David Luan, Dario Amodei and Ilya Sutskever. It’s a causal transformer pre-trained using language modeling on a very large corpus of ~40 GB of text data.
To simplify this, at a high level OpenAI GPT2 is a large language model that has been trained on massive amounts of data. This model can be used to predict the next token in a given sequence.
If that sounds too complicated, don't worry, you don't need to know any Machine Learning or AI to follow along with this project. Libraries such as Hugging Face make using this model in our app very easy.
We'll use the Hugging Face library to load and serve the ML model that will generate the quotes for us. Hugging Face makes it very easy to use transformer models (of which GPT2 is a type) in our projects without any knowledge of ML or AI. As mentioned earlier, GPT2 is a general purpose language model which means that it is good at predicting generic text given an input sequence. In our case, we need a model more suited for generating quotes. To do that, we have two options:
Luckily, in our case there’s a fine-tuned model that has been trained on the 500k quotes dataset -
With Hugging Face, using this model is as easy as as creating a tokenizer
then, constructing a model from the pretrained model
and finally, constructing the generator which we can use to generate the quote
Now that we have a way to generate quotes for us, we have to think about how we can use this in our app. There are multiple ways to go about building this.
A key plus point of the second option is that once the model is loaded the API can respond to us quickly and can be used in other applications as well. FWIW, the first option is a totally valid approach as well.
We can use Fast API to build a quick serving API. Here's what that looks like
Let's test it out
Now we can start sending requests to the /generate
endpoint that will generate a quote for us.
Now that we have a way to generate quotes on demand, we can stop here and start working on sending this via Courier. But who are we kidding, no one reads text anymore! We can make this interesting by using a nice image and placing our quote on it to make it look like a poster.
Given our API, we can now do the following to generate a quote
The first challenge is getting a beautiful background image for our quote. For that, we'll use the Unsplash API that provides a nice endpoint to return a random image matching a query. Opening×800/?nature in our browser returns a nice nature image.
To keep things interesting, we can use different query terms such as stars, etc. Here's the how the code for downloading our background image looks like -
Ok, now we have our background image and a quote which means we can work on assembling the final image that will be sent to the recipients. At a high level we want to place some text on an image but even this simple task can be challenging. For starters, there are a number of questions for us to answer
The answers to some of these questions are more complicated than others. To keep it simple, we'll put the text in the center, and do some wrapping so that it looks good. Finally, we'll use a light color text for now. For all image manipulation, we'll use Python Image Library (PIL) to make this easy for us.
This generates the final image called result.jpg
For the penultimate step, we need to upload the image so that we can use that with Courier. In this case, I'm using Firebase Storage but you can feel free to use whatever you like.
Finally, we have everything we need to start sending our awesome quotes to our friends and family. We can use Courier to create a good looking email template.
Sending a message with Courier is as easy as it gets. While Courier has its own SDKs that can make integration easy, I prefer using their API endpoint to keep things simple. With my AUTH_TOKEN
in hand, we can use the following piece of code to send our image
The API key can be found in Settings and the Template ID can be found in the template design's settings. And that's it!
This tutorial demonstrated how easy it is to get started with machine learning & Courier.
If you want to go ahead and improve this project, here are some interesting ideas to try
Prakhar is a senior software engineer at Google where he works on building developer tools. He's a passionate open-source developer and loves playing the guitar in his free time.
🔗 Fast API
Courier is a notification service that centralizes all of your templates and messaging channels in one place which increases visibility and reduces engineering time.
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1from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelWithLMHead, pipeline23tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("nandinib1999/quote-generator")
1model = AutoModelWithLMHead.from_pretrained("nandinib1999/quote-generator")
1generator = pipeline("text-generation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)23# use a starting prompt4generator("Keep an open mind and")5[{'generated_text': 'Keep an open mind and a deep love for others'}]
1# in file api.py23from pydantic import BaseModel4from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException5from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelWithLMHead, pipeline67## create the pipeline8tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("nandinib1999/quote-generator")9model = AutoModelWithLMHead.from_pretrained("nandinib1999/quote-generator")10generator = pipeline("text-generation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)1112app = FastAPI()1314class QuoteRequest(BaseModel):15text: str1617class QuoteResponse(BaseModel):18text: str1920### Serves the Model API to generate"/generate", response_model=QuoteResponse)22async def generate(request: QuoteRequest):23resp = generator(request.text)24if not resp[0] and not resp[0]["generated_text"]:25raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail='Error in generation')26return QuoteResponse(text=resp[0]["generated_text"])
1$ uvicorn api:app23INFO: Started server process [40767]4INFO: Waiting for application startup.5INFO: Application startup complete.6INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
1from random import choice2# feel free to add more starting prompts for more variety3canned_seeds = ["Always remember to", "Start today with", "It is okay to"]4seed = choice(canned_seeds)5resp ='', data=json.dumps({"text": seed}))6return resp.json()["text"]
1from random import choice2image_backgdrops = ['nature', 'stars', 'mountains', 'landscape']3backdrop = choice(image_backdrops)4response = requests.get("×800/?"+ backdrop, stream=True)5# write the output the img.png on our filesystem6with open('img.png', 'wb') as out_file:7shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, out_file)8del response
1# use the image we downloaded in the above step2img ="img.png")3width, height = img.size4image_editable = ImageDraw.Draw(img)56# wrap text7lines = textwrap.wrap(text, width=40)89# get the line count and generate a starting offset on y-axis10line_count = len(lines)11y_offset = height/2 - (line_count/2 * title_font.getbbox(lines[0])[3])1213# for each line of text, we generate a (x,y) to calculate the positioning14for line in lines:15(_, _, line_w, line_h) = title_font.getbbox(line)16x = (width - line_w)/217image_editable.text((x,y_offset), line, (237, 230, 211), font=title_font)18y_offset +="result.jpg")20print("generated " + filename)21return filename
1import firebase_admin2from firebase_admin import credentials3from firebase_admin import storage45cred = credentials.Certificate('serviceaccount.json')6firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred, {...})78bucket = storage.bucket()9blob = bucket.blob(filename)10blob.upload_from_filename(filename)11blob.make_public()12return blob.public_url
1import requests23headers = {4"Accept": "application/json",5"Content-Type": "application/json",6"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(os.environ['COURIER_AUTH_TOKEN'])7}8message={9"to": { "email": os.environ["COURIER_RECIPIENT"] },10"data": {11"date":"%B %d, %Y"),12"img": image_url ## this is image url we generated earlier13},14"routing": {15"method": "single",16"channels": [17"email"18]19},20"template": os.environ["COURIER_TEMPLATE"]21}"", json={"message": message}, headers=headers)